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Author Search all publications by the author Marshall, Jane; Black, Maria; Byng, Sally; Chiat, Shula; Pring, Tim
Title The sentence processing resource pack
Further titles 2. Event perception test. - 1999. - 10 S., 59 Bl. - ISBN 0-86388-209-9
Further titles 3. Reversible sentence comprehension test. - 1999. - 11 S., 40 Bl. - ISBN 0-86388-198-X
Further titles ISBN 0-86388-207-2
Further titles 1. Working with sentences : a handbook for aphasia therapists. - 1999. - VIII, 48 S. - ISBN 0-86388-208-0
Place : Publ. Bicester: Winslow
Year 1999
Written in English
Domains / Methodology / Research techniques
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Language comprehension
Domains / Speech pathology
Domains / Speech pathology / Aphasia / Aphasia test
Domains / Speech pathology / Speech therapy / Assessment criterion (speech therapy)
Levels / Syntax / Sentence patterns / Reversibility
Indo-European languages / Germanic / English
Redirected from
Techniques (in research) ; Research techniques ; Sentence processing; Language processing; Language comprehension ; Sprachfehler; Language attrition (pathol.) ; Language loss (pathol.) ; Sprachverlust (pathol.) ; Speech pathology ; Aphasia test ; Screening (speech therapy) ; Assessment criterion (speech therapy) ; Reversibility ; English