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Author Search all publications by the author Tracy, Rosemarie
Title Sprache und Sprachentwicklung
was wird erworben?
Written in German
Notes 89 Literaturangaben
Source Anthology Enzyklopädie der Psychologie. Themenbereich C, Theorie und Forschung. Ser. 3, Sprache ; 3. Sprachentwicklung. - Göttingen [u.a.] : Hogrefe, Verl. für Psychologie
Year 2000
Page 3-39
Domains / Grammaticography / Models of grammar / Generative grammar / Universal grammar
Domains / Methodology / Philosophy of science / Systems theory / Self-organization
Domains / Language acquisition
Domains / Language acquisition / Grammatical development
Domains / Language acquisition / Parametrization (language acquisition)
Domains / Language acquisition / Theory (language acquisition)
Domains / Theory of language / Generative theory of language / Nativist hypothesis
Levels / Syntax / Sentence patterns / Deep/Surface structure
Indo-European languages / Germanic / German
Redirected from
UG; Universal grammar ; Self-organization ; Erstspracherwerb; First language acquisition; Ontogenese; Language acquisition ; Syntactic development; Morphological development; Morphologie (Spracherwerb) ; Syntax (Spracherwerb) ; Grammatical development ; Triggering (language acquisition) ; Subset principle; Parametrization (language acquisition) ; Learnability (of language) ; Lernbarkeit (von Sprache) ; Spracherwerb (Theorie) ; Language acquisition (theory of) ; Poverty of the stimulus-argument; Theory (language acquisition) ; Innate ideas hypothesis; Poverty of the stimulus-argument; Lernbarkeit (von Sprache) ; Learnability (of language) ; Nature/nurture; Logisches Problem (Spracherwerb) ; Logical problem (language acquisition) ; Nativist hypothesis ; Syntactic representation; Syntaktische Repräsentation; Deep structure; Tiefenstruktur; Basisgenerierung; Base generation; Deep/Surface structure ; German