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Bibliographic description
Title Linguistica storica e comparata
Involved pers. Droixhe, Daniel; Fiacchi, Cinzia; Dell'Agata, Giuseppe; Dini, Pietro U.
Written in French; Italian
Source Anthology Italia ed Europa nella linguistica del Rinascimento ; 2. L' Italia e l'Europa non romanza. - Modena : Panini
Year 1996
Page 317-375
General topics / History of linguistics / Theory of language (earlier periods) / Renaissance (theory of language)
Domains / Language typology / Historical comparative linguistics
Indo-European languages
Indo-European languages / Slavic languages
Redirected from
Renaissance (theory of language) ; Comparative linguistics; Komparatistik; Indogermanistik; Indoeuropäische Sprachwissenschaft; Indoeuropean linguistics; Proto-Indo-European; Historical comparative linguistics ; Indogermanisch; Indo-European languages ; Slavic languages
Named Persons
Canini, Angelo
Rocca, Angelo
Gesner, Conrad
Križanić, Juraj