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Author Search all publications by the author Caplan, Rochelle; Curtiss, Susan; Chugani, Harry T.; Vinters, Harry V.
Title Pediatric Rasmussen encephalitis
social communication, language, PET, and pathology before and after hemispherectomy
Written in English
Notes 54 Literaturangaben
Source Journal Brain and cognition. - San Diego, Calif. [u.a.] : Elsevier Science
Volume 32
Year 1996
Issue 1
Page 45-66
Domains / Cognitive science
Domains / Language acquisition / Conversational analysis (language acquisition)
Domains / Speech pathology
Domains / Speech pathology / Brain damage (effect on language behavior)
Redirected from
Cognitive science ; Spracherwerb (pragm.) ; Communicative competence (language acquisition) ; Kommunikative Kompetenz (Spracherwerb) ; Pragmatic competence (language acquisition) ; Pragmatische Kompetenz (Spracherwerb) ; Conversational analysis (language acquisition) ; Sprachfehler; Language attrition (pathol.) ; Language loss (pathol.) ; Sprachverlust (pathol.) ; Speech pathology ; Stroke; Schlaganfall; Traumatic brain injury; Brain damage (effect on language behavior)