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Bibliographic description
Title Les figures de rhétorique et leur actualité en linguistique
Involved pers. Landheer, Ronald; Douay-Soublin, Françoise; Tamba-Mecz, Irène; Kleiber, Georges; Kerbrat-Orecchioni, Catherine; Loffler-Laurian, Anne-Marie; Rastier, François; Molinié, Georges; Picoche, Jacqueline
Written in French
Source Journal Langue française. - Malakoff : Armand Colin
Year 1994
Issue 101
Page 3-127
Domains / Cognitive science
Domains / Pragmalinguistics / Individual aspects (pragm.) / Deviation (pragm.)
Domains / Pragmalinguistics / Speech-act theory / Indirect speech-act
Domains / Pragmalinguistics / Theory (pragm.)
Domains / Rhetoric
Domains / Rhetoric / Stylistic figure / Trope
Levels / Semantics / Theory of metaphor
Levels / Semantics / Theory (semant.)
Indo-European languages / Germanic / English
Redirected from
Cognitive science ; Anomaly (pragm.) ; Pragmatic deficits; Transgression (pragm.) ; Deviation (pragm.) ; Indirect speech-act ; Pragmalinguistik (Theorie) ; Pragmatic theory; Theory (pragm.) ; Rhetoric ; Tropos; Trope ; Theory of metaphor ; Semantik (Theorie) ; Semantic theory; Theory (semant.) ; English
Named Persons
Honeste, Luce