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Title Communication behaviors and skills of children having Down's syndrome
Involved pers. Fischer, Martina; Garrard, Kay R.; Rhyner, Paula M. Pecyna; Rosin, Margaret M.; Swift, Edie; Bless, Diane; Vetter, Delores Kluppel; Sommers, Ronald K.; Patterson, Janet P.; Wildgen, Patricia L.; Sistrunk, Debra A.; Reinhart, Rae W.; Pentz, Arthur L.; Moran, Michael J.
Written in English
Source Journal Journal of childhood communication disorders. - Reston, VA
Volume 12
Year 1988
Issue 1
Page 1-117
Domains / Neurolinguistics / Language and genetics / Twin research
Domains / Language acquisition / Handicapped language acquisition
Domains / Language acquisition / Language spoken to children
Domains / Speech pathology / Illness (language behavior) / Down's syndrome
Domains / Speech pathology / Speech therapy / Speech therapy for children
Levels / Phonetics / Articulatory phonetics / Articulation
Levels / Phonology
Indo-European languages / Germanic / English
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Twin research ; Kindersprache (pathol.) ; Child language (pathol.) ; Specific language impairment; SLI; Dysgrammatismus (Kindersprache) ; Dysgrammatism (child language) ; Handicapped language acquisition ; Baby talk; Motherese; Child-directed speech; Ammensprache; Babysprache; Infant-directed speech; Fatherese; Language spoken to children ; Morbus Down; Mongolismus; Trisomie 21; Down's syndrome ; Language intervention; Children (speech therapy with) ; Speech therapy for children ; Articulation ; Phonemik; Phonology ; English