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Bibliographic description
Title Stilforschung und Rhetorik
Involved pers. Antos, Gerd; Braselmann, Petra M. E.; Kopperschmidt, Josef; Metzeltin, Michael; Püschel, Ulrich
Written in German
Source Anthology Perspektiven der angewandten Linguistik. Forschungsfelder. - Tübingen : Narr
Year 1987
Page 133-145
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Slip (psycholing.) / Slip of the pen
Domains / Rhetoric
Domains / Rhetoric / Visual rhetorics
Levels / Graphemics / Orthography / Deviation (graphem.)
Levels / Text linguistics
Levels / Text linguistics / Text types / Festschrift (text type)
Indo-European languages / Germanic / German
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Schreibfehler; Vertipper; Slip of the pen ; Rhetoric ; Rhetorik der visuellen Kommunikation; Visual rhetorics ; Neologie (graphem.) ; Neology (graphem.) ; Textism; Anomaly (graphem.) ; Neography; Neografie; Deviation (graphem.) ; Text linguistics ; Festschrift (text type) ; German