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Bibliographic description
Title Part I: Language as a mental organ or a mental complex
Involved pers. Berndt, Rita Sloan; Caramazza, Alfonso; Zurif, Edgar Basil; Molfese, Victoria J.; Molfese, Dennis L.; Parsons, Carl; Foldi, Nancy S.; Cicone, Michael; Gardner, Howard; Millar, Janice M.; Whitaker, Harry A.
Written in English
Source Anthology Language functions and brain organization. - New York [u.a.] : Acad. Press
Year 1983
Page 1-113
General topics / History of linguistics / State of the art
Domains / Neurolinguistics / Lateralization
Domains / Speech pathology / Aphasia
Levels / Phonetics / Auditory phonetics / Sound perception
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State of the art ; Laterality; Sinistrality; Lateralization ; Dysphasia; Aphasia ; Vowel perception; Consonant perception; Speech perception (phonet.) ; Sound perception