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Bibliographic description
Title Sinnformeln
linguistische und soziologische Analysen von Leitbildern, Metaphern und anderen kollektiven Orientierungsmustern
Involved pers. Geideck, Susan; Liebert, Wolf-Andreas; Siegel, Tilla; Kassner, Karsten; Wengeler, Martin; Aulenbacher, Brigitte; Klein, Josef; Hroch, Nicole; Wassermann, Petra; Nazarkiewicz, Kirsten; Bogner, Alexander; Musolff, Andreas; Keller, Reiner; Wagner, Franc; Jäkel, Olaf
Place : Publ. Berlin [u.a.]: de Gruyter
Year 2003
Written in German
Extent VIII, 350 S.
Notes Literaturangaben
ISBN 3-11-017883-4
Series Linguistik - Impulse & Tendenzen; 2
General topics / Conferences
Domains / Applied linguistics / Sociology of knowledge
Domains / Technical language / Scientific communication
Domains / Pragmalinguistics / Other communication situations / Organizational communication
Domains / Rhetoric / Argumentation (rhetor.)
Domains / Rhetoric / Topos
Domains / Sociolinguistics
Domains / Sociolinguistics / Language and society
Domains / Sociolinguistics / Language and society / Language and domination
Domains / Sociolinguistics / Language and society / Language and identity
Domains / Sociolinguistics / Language and society / Language and social studies
Domains / Sociolinguistics / Language and society / Language and economy
Domains / Philosophy of language / Language and ethics
Levels / Semantics / Theory of metaphor
Levels / Semantics / Theory of metaphor / Metaphor (figurative language)
Levels / Text linguistics / Text analysis / Critical discourse analysis
Indo-European languages / Germanic / German
Redirected from
Conferences ; Informationsgesellschaft; Information society; Legitimation Code theory; Sociology of knowledge ; Academic discourse; Scientific communication ; Unternehmenskommunikation; Business communication; Organizational communication ; Commonplace; Gemeinplatz; Locus communis ; Sociolinguistics ; Language and society ; Language and power; Power and language; Dominance and language; Herrschaft und Sprache; Logocracy; Language ownership; Language and domination ; Identität und Sprache; Identity and language; Fremdheit und Sprache; Estrangement and language; Sprache und Integration; Integration und Sprache; Language and identity ; Sociology of translation; Language and social studies ; Sprache und Ökonomie; Language and economy ; Ethik (Sprachphilosophie) ; Ethics (philosophy of language) ; Language and ethics ; Theory of metaphor ; Meaning, derived; Bedeutung, übertragene; Metaphor (figurative language) ; Dispositivanalyse; Dispositive analysis; Critical discourse analysis ; German