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Bibliographic description
Title La métaphore entre philosophie et rhétorique
Involved pers. Charbonnel, Nanine; Kleiber, Georges; Deguy, Michel; Tort, Patrick; Klinkenberg, Jean-Marie; Molinié, Georges; Prandi, Michel; Tamba-Mecz, Irène
Place : Publ. Paris: Presses Univ. de France
Year 1999
Written in French
Extent 245 S.
ISBN 2-13-049593-1
Series Linguistique nouvelle
Selections from contents
Domains / Cognitive science / Metaphor (cognitive science)
Domains / Rhetoric
Domains / Rhetoric / Stylistic figure / Trope
Domains / Philosophy of language
Levels / Semantics
Levels / Semantics / Theory of metaphor
Levels / Semantics / Theory of metaphor / Metaphor (figurative language)
Levels / Semantics / Theory of metaphor / Metonymy
Redirected from
Metaphor (cognitive science) ; Rhetoric ; Tropos; Trope ; Philosophy of language ; Bedeutungslehre; Semantics ; Theory of metaphor ; Meaning, derived; Bedeutung, übertragene; Metaphor (figurative language) ; Part-whole relation; Pars pro toto; Metonymy