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Bibliographic description
Title Developmental dyslexia
neural, cognitive, and genetic mechanisms
Involved pers. Chase, Christopher H.; Rosen, Glenn D.; Sherman, Gordon F.; Galaburda, Albert M.; Schrott, Lisa M.; Denenberg, Victor H.; Bachevalier, Jocelyne; Pennington, Bruce F.; Gilger, Jeffrey W.; Borecki, Ingrid B.; Smith, Shelley D.; DeFries, John C.; Rayner, Keith; Stein, John F.; Tallal, Paula; Miller, Steve; Fitch, Roslyn Holly; Van Orden, Guy; Goldinger, Stephen D.; Fiez, Julie A.; Petersen, Steven E.; Raichle, Marcus E.; Schwartz, Barry; Gallen, Christopher C.
Place : Publ. Baltimore, Md.: York Press
Year 1996
Written in English
Extent IX, 277 S.
ISBN 0-912752-39-4
General topics / History of linguistics / State of the art
Domains / Written/spoken language / Written language acquisition (psycholing.)
Domains / Written/spoken language / Written language acquisition (psycholing.) / Dyslexia
Domains / Cognitive science / Animal cognition
Domains / Neurolinguistics / Cortical activity pattern / Cortical areas
Domains / Neurolinguistics / Language and genetics
Domains / Neurolinguistics / Speech production/speech perception (neuroling.)
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Lexicon (psycholing.) / Phonological representation
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Speech perception (psycholing.) / Reading (psycholing.)
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Speech perception (psycholing.) / Reading (psycholing.) / Eye movement (reading)
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Language comprehension
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State of the art ; Spracherwerb (Schriftsprache) ; Language acquisition (written language) ; Kindersprache (Schriftsprache) ; Child language (written language) ; Schrifterwerb (psycholing.) ; Written language acquisition (psycholing.) ; Developmental dyslexia; Reading disability; Leseschwäche; Rechtschreibschwäche; Lese-Rechtschreibschwäche; LRS; Legasthenie; Dyslexia ; Cognition, nonhuman; Animal cognition ; Neuroanatomie; Neuroanatomy; Cortical areas ; Erblichkeit; Heredity; Grammar gene; FOXP2; Language and genetics ; Sprachperzeption (neuroling.) ; Speech perception (neuroling.) ; Language processing (neuroling.) ; Sprachverständnis (neuroling.) ; Speech production/speech perception (neuroling.) ; Representation (phon.) ; Phonological representation ; Visuelle Wahrnehmung (von geschriebener Sprache) ; Visual perception (of written language) ; Reading (psycholing.) ; Parafoveal reading; Eye movement (reading) ; Sentence processing; Language processing; Language comprehension