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Bibliographic description
Title Male and female terms in English
proceedings of the symposium at Umeå University, May 18 - 19, 1994
Involved pers. Persson, Gunnar; Rydén, Mats; Bäcklund, Ingegerd; Bergquist, Ingmari; Kleparski, Grzegorz; Magnusson, Ulf; Norberg, Catherine; Odenstedt, Bengt; Wallin-Ashcroft, Anna-Lena
Corporation Umeå universitet
Place : Publ. Uppsala: Swed. Science Press
Year 1996
Written in English
Extent III, 195 S.
Notes Literaturangaben
ISBN 91-7191-063-8
Series Umeå studies in the humanities; 129
General topics / Conferences
Domains / Phraseology
Domains / Sociolinguistics / Language and gender
Domains / Sociolinguistics / Language and gender / Queer linguistics
Domains / Language acquisition / Semantic development
Domains / History of language / Semantic change
Domains / History of language / Vocabulary change
Levels / Lexicology / Vocabulary
Indo-European languages / Germanic / English
Redirected from
Conferences ; Phraseologie; Idioms; Phraseology ; Language and sex; Gender studies; Metrosexuality; Language and gender ; Homosexualität; Homosexuality; Lesbian language; Gayspeak; Lavender linguistics; Queer linguistics ; Wortbedeutung (Spracherwerb) ; Bedeutungsentwicklung; Semantic development ; Language change (semant.) ; Sprachwandel (semant.) ; Semantic change ; Sprachwandel (lex.) ; Language change (lex.) ; Vocabulary change ; Lexikon; Lexicon; Vocabulary ; English
Named Persons
Austen, Jane
Chaucer, Geoffrey