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Bibliographic description
Title Parts and wholes
integrity and granularity
Involved pers. Eschenbach, Carola; Heydrich, Wolfgang; Gerstl, Peter; Pribbenow, Simone; Habel, Christopher; Simmons, Geoffrey; Smith, Barry
Place : Publ. Hamburg: Graduiertenkolleg Kognitionswiss., Univ. Hamburg
Year 1995
Written in English
Extent 118 S.
Notes Literaturangaben
Series Kognitionswissenschaft Hamburg. Bericht; 49
Domains / Cognitive science
Domains / Cognitive science / Mental representation / Space (notion of)
Domains / Cognitive science / Mental representation / Time (notion of)
Levels / Lexicology / Lexical field / Body parts (terms for)
Levels / Semantics / Word semantics / Semantic features / part-of (semant. feat.)
Redirected from
Cognitive science ; Representation (of space) ; Höhenbegriff; Height (notion of) ; Space (notion of) ; Representation (of time) ; Time (notion of) ; Body parts (terms for)