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Volume Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Linguists: Berlin/GDR, august 10 - august 15, 1987 ; 2
Involved pers. Bahner, Werner; Schildt, Joachim; Viehweger, Dieter
Corporation International Congress of Linguists <14, 1987, Berlin, Ost>
Place : Publ. Berlin: Akad.-Verl.
Year 1990
Written in German
Extent XII S., S. 939 - 1835
ISBN 3-05-000656-0
Part of Multivolume work Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Linguists : Berlin/GDR, august 10 - august 15, 1987 / ed.: Werner Bahner ...
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International Congress of Linguists <14, 1987> ; Berlin ; 10.08.1987-15.08.1987
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