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Bibliographic description
Title Cognition and symbolic structures
the psychology of metaphoric transformation
Involved pers. Haskell, Robert E.
Place : Publ. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Publ.
Year 1987
Written in English
Extent XV, 304 S.
Notes Literaturangaben
ISBN 0-89391-368-5
Selections from contents
Domains / Computational linguistics / Artificial intelligence
Domains / Technical language / Metaphor (technical language)
Domains / Cognitive science
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Category (psycholing.)
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Linguistic awareness
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Language comprehension
Levels / Semantics / Theory of metaphor
Redirected from
Artificial intelligence ; Metapher (Wissenschaftstheorie) ; Metaphor (epistemology) ; Metaphor (philosophy of science) ; Metaphor (technical language) ; Cognitive science ; Basic level concept; Category (psycholing.) ; Metalinguistic awareness; Phonologische Bewusstheit; Phonological awareness; Focus on form (language teaching) ; Sprachbewusstsein; Linguistic awareness ; Sentence processing; Language processing; Language comprehension ; Theory of metaphor